Last updated Wednesday, September 20,2006
Welcome To Dun Na Gael
Ceud Mile Failte ("a hundred thousand welcomes") and welcome
to Tom & Donna's home on the net. We like to think of this as a
way of introducing ourselves to thousands of people at once.
We're very new to all this and this is our first effort, but
we're sure to be making changes as we learn more, and jazzing up
this site as we progress. In the meantime thank you for stopping
by, and come on in! Please e-mail us and let us know if there are
any broken links, and your comments, good or bad, about our site.
Who We Are
We are Thomas Cameron Adams and Donna Adams. We
are a couple with no kids by choice that likes to keep busy
with all of our varied interests. Married since 1995, we
consider ourselves a team in every respect (although we
sometimes find that one of us is "offense", the other, "defense" !).
Friends and family have come to view us as a kind of two-
headed creature since we do just about everything together,
including co-designing this website.Tom is the brains of the
operation, using his intellectual gifts to do the real "nuts-and
bolts" of construction, with Donna attempting to serve as his
Muse by offering creative (?) input and doing some of the
more mundane tasks- editing, resource search, etc. We are
both "working folk" in the respect that we both have blue
collar jobs and want it that way.
Where We Live
We reside in Bryan, Texas. There are some that would still
like to consider Texas its own separate country, but we are part
of the United States. The lifestyle in Texas is a little- no, a
lot different than other areas of the country. We have a way of
seeing things on a grander scale due to the size of Texas. You
can start at the southernmost tip and drive to the farthest point
north and it will take over 10 hours. Being that large gives you
a different perspective on things. Come see our state sometime,
we have a lot to offer
Our Special Interests
We're eclectics, or eccentrics, if you prefer! Our many
pastimes/diversions range from quiet evenings at home with wine
and home-cooked delicacies (we both love to cook and are
always trying something new) to evenings on the town, from
classical to western swing music, from the Houston Rodeo to the
Texas Renaissance Festival to events celebrating our Celtic
heritage. We are both of Celtic descent in some form and enjoy
delving into its history and legend. We have a page on this site
dedicated to that alone. Follow the link at the bottom of this
page to get there. We are also involved with the Houston
Livestock Show and Rodeo as volunteers. It is the largest rodeo
in the world and this year gave away 7.5 million dollars in
scholarships to deserving students. Life is a constant
There is a link at the bottom of this page to take you to
our Links Page. There you will find numerous links to places of
interest to us and hopefully to you also. We decided to put them
on their own page so we don't clutter up the other pages.There
are a few that are advertisements for either friends businesses
or businesses that we like. The rest are just a collection of
people, places, and things that we want to share with the world.
Our Page Of Faith
This page is our response to our Christian faith and what it
means to us. We invite you to visit it and hopefully think about
what you find there. We are not trying to change the world, just
get people to think about Christ and show how He has made a
difference in our lives and what it means to us. If you start
thinking about how Christ can influence your life then we have
done our part and we know that He will do His.
Send me comments or questions using this form or by using my email address: