Cameron of Erracht TartanCameron of Erracht TartanCameron of Erracht Tartan <P> (Scottish Bagpipe Music plays in background: Cock of the North)<BR> <A href="cocknrth.mid">Get the MIDI file!</A> <BR>

Comments from our visitors

Below find some comments, both good and bad, from our visitors like you. All we ask is that you include with your comments; permission to post or not, whether to post anonymously, or to not include your email address. If we recieve any responses without instructions, we will assume implied consent. Read these and enjoy.

Cool web page!
Kathy Pender

Just wanted you to know that I have visited your site and am pretty impressed with what you and Donna mused together. I really like you folk and enjoy hearing about your Celtic heritage. There are times I wish I knew where my family came from since Adam and Noah. See you guys after the New Year.
Clinton Everitt

Donna: Made it to your web site without any problem this time. Looks great !
I can see that you put a lot of time & effort into it ~ it pays off.
Sharon Szymanski
National Cowboy Hall of Fame

Greetings Thomas, I am just getting to an incredible backlog of e-mail, so please forgive my delay in geting back to you... I visited your site, and enjoyed how you have organized your pages, I wish that more folks "out there" would create personal pages reflecting their interests. Please pass along my very best to Cerise, Jackie and all the other folks at Red River, and thanks for placing the link!!
Thomas Cameron
Clan Cameron Online
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Last updated on Wednesday, September 20, 2006

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